PFP EU Sustainable Energy Day Event 2023
Food for Thought: How to decarbonise EU primary food processing?
Food for Thought: How to decarbonise EU primary food processing?
Monday 12 June 2023
16:00 to 17:30
Primary food processing is the energy-intensive link in the food supply chain. But it is often overlooked in the discussion around decarbonisation; falling between agriculture and industry it is in fact both. This session should help to boost the profile of primary food processing in the debate on decarbonising EU industry in general, leading to an enriched discussion and, potentially, the discovery of new solutions.
Primary food processing is fundamental to the EU’s food security, which in the current geopolitical context can no longer be taken for granted. Decarbonising our sectors will be essential if we are to avoid increasing the EU’s dependence on food imported from overseas.
This session discussed how to decarbonise energy-intensive primary food processing in the EU and why a mix of tools are needed to get there, including electrification, biomass, energy efficiency, and energy sobriety.
With presentations from:
- Albrecht Schaper, Head of Environment, Permits & Licenses at Nordzucker
- Stephan Ghekiere, Environmental Regulatory Compliance Lead at Cargill
- Jozefien Vanbecelaere, Head of EU Affairs at European Heat PumpsAssociation
- Oliver Sartor, Senior Advisor Industry at Agora EnergiewendeFollowed by panel discussion and Q&A.
If you weren’t able to make it, or simply wish to listen to the interesting debate once more, you will find the full recording of the event below: